Ed 89
(Education 89)
When in the judgment hall the words of denial had been spoken; when Peter’s love and loyalty, awakened under the Saviour’s glance of pity and love and sorrow, had sent him forth to the garden where Christ had wept and prayed; when his tears of remorse dropped upon the sod that had been moistened with the blood drops of His agony—then the Saviour’s words, “I have prayed for thee: ... when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren,”(Luke 22:32) were a stay to his soul. Christ, though foreseeing his sin, had not abandoned him to despair. (Ed 89.1) MC VC
If the look that Jesus cast upon him had spoken condemnation instead of pity; if in foretelling the sin He had failed of speaking hope, how dense would have been the darkness that encompassed Peter! how reckless the despair of that tortured soul! In that hour of anguish and self-abhorrence, what could have held him back from the path trodden by Judas? (Ed 89.2) MC VC