CH 320
(Counsels on Health 320)
Let none say, “I will engage in this work for a stipulated sum. If I do not receive this sum, I will not do the work.” Those who say this show that they are not wearing Christ’s yoke; they are not learning His meekness and lowliness. Christ might have come to this world with a retinue of angels, but instead He came as a babe and lived a life of lowliness and poverty. His glory was in His simplicity. He suffered for us the privations of poverty. Shall we refuse to deny ourselves for His sake? Shall we refuse to become medical missionary workers unless we can follow the customs of the world, making a display such as worldlings make? ... (CH 320.1) MC VC
My brother, my sister, take up your work right where you are. Do your best, ever looking to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. In no other way can we do the work of God and magnify His truth than by following in the footsteps of Him who gave up His high command to come to our world, that through His humiliation and suffering, human beings might become partakers of the divine nature. For our sake He became poor, that through His poverty we might come into possession of the eternal riches.... (CH 320.2) MC VC
Intelligent, self-denying, self-sacrificing men are now needed—men who realize the solemnity and importance of God’s work, and who as Christian philanthropists will fulfill the commission of Christ. The medical missionary work given us to do means something to every one of us. It is a work of soul saving; it is the proclamation of the gospel message. (CH 320.3) MC VC