OHC 312.3
(Our High Calling 312.3)
Some have said to me, “Do you not get discouraged at times when you are under trial?” And I have answered, “Yes, if by discouragement you mean sad or cast down.” “Didn′t you talk to any one of your feelings?” “No; there is a time for silence, a time to keep the tongue as with a bridle, and I was determined to utter no word of doubt or darkness, to bring no shade of gloom upon those with whom I was associated. I have said to myself, I will bear the Refiner′s fire; I shall not be consumed. When I speak, it shall be of light; it shall be of faith and hope in God; it shall be of righteousness, of goodness, of the love of Christ my Saviour; it shall be to direct the minds of others toward heaven and heavenly things, to Christ′s work in heaven for us, and our work upon earth for Him.” (OHC 312.3) MC VC