UL 165.3
(The Upward Look 165.3)
Frequently the people of other nations came to Christ to be healed, or to make some request for their relatives or friends. These people represented the great human family, who knew not God or the truth, but who felt a soul-longing for something they had not. All who came to Christ listened to His instruction, and as they heard the word of truth, they were deeply impressed. In speaking words of hope to those weary, unsatisfied souls, in healing the infirmities of those who came to Him, Christ was setting an example to be practiced from one end of the world to another. He was speaking and acting for humanity at large.... Although generation after generation would pass away, His lessons of practical service would be given by His witnesses. He was to ascend to heaven, but His work was to be carried forward with greater power than before, because He and His Father would cooperate in doing greater things for His people than they had seen while He was among them. (UL 165.3) MC VC