TDG 228.4
(This Day With God 228.4)
When Jesus went away, He intrusted to men His work in all its varied branches, and every true follower of Christ has some work to do for Him, for which he is responsible to his own Master, and that work he is expected to do with fidelity, waiting for command and direction from his Leader. We are the responsible agents of God, and have been invested with the goods of heaven, and we should have an eye single to the glory of Him who has called us. On our part there should be a faithful execution of duty, doing our appointed task to the full measure of our intrusted capability. No living being can do our work for us. We must do our work through a diligent use of the intellect which God has given, gaining in knowledge and efficiency as we make progress in our work.—The Review and Herald, August 7, 1894. (TDG 228.4) MC VC