PM 364
(The Publishing Ministry 364)
Sale of Christ’s Object Lessons to Assist Schools—The suggestion has come from our canvassers that after the Relief of the Schools Campaign is finished, Christ’s Object Lessons be made a subscription book. They are sure that it would have a large sale all over the world. (PM 364.1) MC VC
When Willie [“Willie” was Ellen White’s third son and for years after the death of James White (in 1881), her closest helper and counselor.] told me of this suggestion, the thought at once came into my mind that the plan suggested might perhaps be best. If it were carried out, my royalty on the copies sold would help to settle my debts. (PM 364.2) MC VC
While these thoughts were passing through my mind, it was distinctly represented to me that Object Lessons was, in the plan of God, given to help our schools to roll away the terrible burden of debt. I saw clearly that the way in which the book had been handled was the Lord’s plan, and that it was accomplishing great good. (PM 364.3) MC VC
I turned to Willie, and said, “I made of that book an offering to the Lord, and I cannot take it off the altar of sacrifice. As long as I live, that book is to be handled as none of my other books have been handled. And when I am no longer with you, you must see that this book is kept on the altar of sacrifice. I will not change a plan that has already brought to the cause of God, for the relief of our schools, two hundred thousand dollars.” (PM 364.4) MC VC
Willie’s lips quivered. Tears came into his eyes, and he said, “Yes, Mother, the matter is settled now, never to be changed.” (PM 364.5) MC VC
But I have written fully on this subject elsewhere, so I will not give you any more particulars, but will send you a copy of what I have written to our leading brethren. (PM 364.6) MC VC
Many schools, large and small, are to be established in country places, and the proceeds from the sale of Object Lessons will be needed in this work. The sale of this book is under the Lord’s supervision. He will continue to make it a blessing.—Letter 243, 1903. (PM 364.7) MC VC