6BC 1104
(S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 6 1104)
Paul presents his pattern, his ideal. Christ had given Himself to a life of poverty that they might become rich in heavenly treasure. He would refresh their memories in regard to the sacrifice made in their behalf. Christ was commander in the heavenly courts, yet He took the lowest place in this world. He was rich, yet for our sakes, He became poor. It was not spiritual riches that He left behind; He was always abounding in the gifts of the Spirit. But He was of poor parentage. The world never saw its Lord wealthy (Manuscript 98, 1899). (6BC 1104.1) MC VC
Rich in Attainments—Christ, the Majesty of heaven, became poor, that we through His poverty might be made rich. Not rich merely in endowments, but rich in attainments. (6BC 1104.2) MC VC
These are the riches that Christ earnestly longs that His followers shall possess. As the true seeker after the truth reads the Word, and opens his mind to receive the Word, he longs after truth with his whole heart. The love, the pity, the tenderness, the courtesy, the Christian politeness, which will be the elements in the heavenly mansions that Christ has gone to prepare for those that love Him, take possession of his soul. His purpose is steadfast. He is determined to stand on the side of righteousness. Truth has found its way into the heart, and is planted there by the Holy Spirit, who is the truth. When truth takes hold of the heart, the man gives sure evidence of this by becoming a steward of the grace of Christ (Manuscript 7, 1898). (6BC 1104.3) MC VC
12. See EGW comment on Acts 16:14. (6BC 1104.4) MC VC
16-18, 23. Titus Journeys to Corinth—Paul’s testimony was accepted as of great weight, because of the many revelations he had received. He knew better than did many others of the necessities of various places. But Paul was unwilling to take personal charge of the raising of this contribution. He had been largely instrumental in causing it to be raised, but, lest any should find occasion to speak evil, Titus and his companions ... made the journey to Corinth; for there was no safe way of transporting money at that time (Manuscript 101, 1906). (6BC 1104.5) MC VC
16-22. Paul Commends Titus to the Corinthians—Titus has been so successful in raising gifts among the churches in Macedonia that Paul desired him to visit Corinth and continue in the same work. Another brother, “whose praise is in the gospel throughout all the churches,”(2 Corinthians 8:18) and still another “whom we have oftentimes proved diligent in many things,”(2 Corinthians 8:22) were sent to accompany Titus. Paul wrote a letter to the Corinthians commending to them these brethren who had so willingly undertaken such a difficult task. In this letter he reminded them of an effort that had been put forth a year previous to raise a contribution at Corinth (Manuscript 101, 1906). (6BC 1104.6) MC VC
21. See EGW comment on Romans 12:17. (6BC 1104.7) MC VC
Chapters 8, 9 VC
Let not selfish motives lead you to withhold the funds that are needed in unworked fields. When we are tempted to withhold that which is needed in foreign fields, let us study the eighth and ninth chapters of Second Corinthians, and learn to emulate the liberal spirit which made the Macedonians willing to give “beyond their power”(2 Corinthians 8:3) to the cause that called for their assistance (Manuscript 11, 1908). (6BC 1104.8) MC VC
Chapter 9 VC
2. A Thousand Torches Kindled—Those who occupy positions of influence and responsibility in the church should be foremost in the work of God. If they move reluctantly, others will not move at all. But their zeal will provoke very many. When their light burns brightly, a thousand torches will be kindled at the flame (The Southern Work, April 5, 1904). (6BC 1104.9) MC VC
6 (1 Timothy 6:19; Hebrews 11:26). How Bright the Crown?—The reward, the glories of heaven, bestowed upon the overcomers, will be proportionate to the degree in which they have represented the character of Christ to the world. “He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly.” 2 Corinthians 9:6. Thank God that it is our privilege to sow on earth the seed that will be harvested in eternity. The crown of life will be bright or dim, will glitter with many stars, or be lighted by few gems, in accordance with our own course of action. (6BC 1104.10) MC VC