CW 24-5
(Counsels to Writers and Editors 24-5)
This is a warning to those who claim to be Christians. Those who have had light upon the important, testing truths for this time, and yet are not making ready for the coming of the Son of man, are not taking heed. “Take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.” There is no period of time when spiritual slothfulness is excusable. (CW 24.1) MC VC
Only by being clothed with the robe of Christ’s righteousness can we escape the judgments that are coming upon the earth. Let all remember that these words were among the last that Christ gave His disciples. If this instruction were often repeated in our papers and publications, and less space were taken for matter which is not one hundredth part so important, it would be more appropriate. In these sacred, solemn warnings the danger signal is lifted. It is this instruction that church members and the people of the world need; for it is present truth.—Letter 20, 1901. (CW 24.2) MC VC
Ellen G. White Articles in New Fields—I have received the impression that you want short articles for the paper, and more of them. I have not felt any special burden to measure the lines that I write. I think if there is more put into the paper of living religious practice, it would certainly be of great value; for this is what the people need. To keep out the living experiences, and yet present the controversial, is not according to the light which God has given. (CW 25.1) MC VC
You have a very large field to select from in the many testimonies. In Christian Education there is a rich supply, but if you think not best to select and use these things God has given for the instruction of His people and all to whom they may come, then you are right in laying them on one side. But if these things are of value, let them speak. I am a little puzzled over this matter. The request made is, Short articles, Sister White. This cannot always be. Therefore I leave you my books to select from, which would be new matter to the readers in this country, Australia, and New Zealand, and just what they need. I have felt no burden to write for the paper, because you had a new field of matter for this country, which would be a blessing to those who receive it. Selections are made of matter, apparently to fill up, from other papers. What the people want is instruction. What shall I do that I may save my soul? We need more and still more of vital godliness brought out in the papers.—Letter 21, 1896. (CW 25.2) MC VC