TMK 177.3
(That I May Know Him 177.3)
There was Judas; Christ permitted him to be a member of the church, notwithstanding his covetous, avaricious character. He had some traits that might have been used to the glory of God, but he did not try to overcome the defects in his character. Christ bore with him long and patiently.... He had the same lessons set before him that were given to the other apostles, which would have set him right had he made a right use of them, but he did not sustain a right relation to Heaven. Christ knew his true condition, and gave him an opportunity. He connected John with the church, not because John was above human frailties, but that He might bind him to His great heart of love. If John overcame his defects of character, he would stand as a light to the church. Peter, if he corrected his faults, would inherit the promises of God. And Jesus said to him, after His resurrection, notwithstanding that he had but a few days before denied Him, “Feed my sheep,” and “Feed my lambs” (John 21:16, 15). He could trust Peter now, for he had obtained an experience in the things of God.... (TMK 177.3) MC VC