3SM 65
(Selected Messages Book 3 65)
Who Told Paul and Sister White?—When a testimony from the Lord is borne to the erring there is often a question asked: Who told Sister White? This must have been the case in the days of Paul, for someone must have [had] the interest of the church at heart to present before the apostle, God’s appointed minister, the dangers of the members of the church which threatened its prosperity. There is a time to speak and a time to keep silence. Of course, something must be done, and the Lord’s appointed minister must not fail in his work to correct these evils. Now these evils were existing, and Paul had a work to do to counteract them.... (3SM 65.1) MC VC
We know that Paul had presented before him the state of the churches. God has given him light and knowledge in regard to the order that should be maintained in the churches, the evils that would arise, and which would have to be corrected and firmly dealt with corresponding to their aggravated character. The Lord had revealed to Paul the purity, the devotion and piety that should be maintained in the church, and things arising contrary to this he knew must be reproved according to the light given him of God. (3SM 65.2) MC VC
Why Inquiries Are Made—When matters are brought before my mind in regard to a church, sometimes there flashes, as it were, a light from heaven revealing particulars that God had presented before me of that case, and when the burden is bearing upon my mind in reference to special churches, families or individuals, I frequently inquire the condition of things in the church, and the matter is all written out before I come to that church. (3SM 65.3) MC VC
But I want facts to substantiate the testimonies, and I am burdened to know in what manner I should bring out the light God has given me. If the errors have been manifestly affecting the church, the examples of a character to mislead the church, weaken it in faith and strengthen unbelief, then the work to be done must not be confined to families privately or to individuals alone, but must come before the whole church to stay the evil and flash light into the minds of those who have been deceived by deceptive works and misinterpretations. (3SM 65.4) MC VC