2SM 328
(Selected Messages Book 2 328)
E. G. White: God has given me the message that no such thing is to come into the work of His cause. It would lower it into the dust. This is how it was presented to me. It would divert the mind from God and His power and His grace, to commonplace things, and the enemy would use these commonplace things so as to show something wonderful as the result of following these man-made tests.... (2SM 328.1) MC VC
W. C. White: Sister Harris says that Brother Harris always prays before he tosses up his coin. Would not that make some difference? (2SM 328.2) MC VC
E. G. White: Not a whit of difference. Did not the fanatics of whom I have spoken always pray when they were going through those awful experiences in the State of Maine? This plan leads to trusting in what the human can do. What we want is not less of the power of God, but more. We want a solemnity that will come alone from the God of heaven. Then we shall work in accordance with His divine teachings.... (2SM 328.3) MC VC
We have been working with all our powers to encourage our people to come to God in faith, and to believe that His Holy Spirit will be freely given them as a teacher and guide, and that by its ministration they may know the will of God.—Ibid, 16-20. (2SM 328.4) MC VC
Casting Lots in Selecting Church Officers VC
I have no faith in casting lots. We have in the Bible a plain “Thus saith the Lord” in regard to all church duties.... (2SM 328.5) MC VC
I would say to the members of the church in_____, “Read your Bibles with much prayer. Do not try to humble others, but humble yourselves before God, and deal gently with one another. To cast lots for the officers of the church is not in God’s order. Let men of responsibility be called upon to select the officers of the church.”—Letter 37, 1900. (2SM 328.6) MC VC