2SG 23-4
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 23-4)
Soon the minister visited my father’s family. The entire family were interested in the doctrine of the Lord’s coming. The minister wished us to withdraw from the church, as that would save a church trial. My parents told him they wished to know the reason of this request. He said that we had been walking contrary to their rules, and that they had rather we would withdraw, than to have the sound go out that they had turned us out. We preferred a trial, that we might know what sin we had committed. We were not conscious of any wrong, unless it was a sin to be looking for, and loving the appearing of, our Saviour. (2SG 23.1) MC VC
Our family were notified of the church-meeting, and we met in the vestry of the meeting-house. The only charge brought against us was that we had walked contrary to their rules. It was asked, “What rules have we violated?” After a little hesitation it was stated that we had absented ourselves from the class-meeting, and had attended other meetings, and they considered that we had violated their rules. (2SG 23.2) MC VC
They were reminded of some who were retained in the church, who had not attended class meeting for more than a year, and a portion of our family had been in the country, and none who had remained in the city had absented themselves but a few weeks, and they were compelled to remain away because they could not talk out the sentiments of their heart. If they mentioned the coming of their Saviour, or their love for his appearing, there was a hard pressing spirit against them, and such displeasure manifested that there was a plain division of feeling, and we knew if they loved Jesus they would love to hear of his coming. It was asked us whether we would agree to conform to their rules, and confess that we had walked contrary to them. We answered that we would confess that after the manner which they call heresy, so would we worship the God of our fathers. We dared not yield our faith. With free spirits, happy in the love of God, we left the vestry of the Methodist meeting-house. We had the assurance that God was on our side, who was more than all they that were against us. (2SG 24.1) MC VC