Ev 25
(Evangelism 25)
Section 2—The Metropolitan Masses (Ev 25) MC VC
In the Shadow of Impending Doom VC
Millions in the Cities Must Soon Decide—The spiritual darkness that covers the whole earth today, is intensified in the crowded centers of population. It is in the cities of the nations that the gospel worker finds the greatest impenitence and the greatest need.... (Ev 25.1) MC VC
The record of crime and iniquity in the large cities of the land is appalling. The wickedness of the wicked is almost beyond comprehension. Many cities are becoming a very Sodom in the sight of heaven. The increasing wickedness is such that multitudes are rapidly approaching a point in their personal experience beyond which it will be exceedingly difficult to reach them with a saving knowledge of the third angel’s message. The enemy of souls is working in a masterful manner to gain full control of the human mind; and what God’s servants do to warn and prepare men for the day of judgment, must be done quickly. (Ev 25.2) MC VC
The conditions that face Christian workers in the great cities, constitute a solemn appeal for untiring effort in behalf of the millions living within the shadow of impending doom. Men will soon be forced to great decisions, and they must have opportunity to hear and to understand Bible truth, in order that they may take their stand intelligently on the right side. God is now calling upon His messengers in no uncertain terms, to warn the cities while mercy still lingers, and while multitudes are yet susceptible to the converting influence of Bible truth.—The Review and Herald, April 7, 1910. (Ev 25.3) MC VC