Ev 534-5
(Evangelism 534-5)
In this work physicians and gospel ministers are needed. We must press our petitions to the Lord, and do our best, pressing forward with all the energy possible to make an opening in the large cities. Had we in the past worked after the Lord’s plans, many lights would be shining brightly that are going out.—Medical Ministry, 301, 302 (1909). (Ev 534.1) MC VC
Health and Temperance Messages to Masses—There is a great work to be done in bringing the principles of health reform to the notice of the people. Public meetings should be held to introduce the subject, and schools should be held in which those who are interested can be told more particularly about our health foods and of how a wholesome, nourishing, appetizing diet can be provided without the use of meat, tea, or coffee.... (Ev 534.2) MC VC
Press home the temperance question with all the force of the Holy Spirit’s unction. Show the need of total abstinence from all intoxicating liquor. Show the terrible harm that is wrought in the human system by the use of tobacco and alcohol. Explain your methods of giving treatment. Let the talks given be such as will enlighten your hearers. God has mercy on the unrighteous. This service will be an opportunity to tell what health reform really is.—Letter 343, 1904. (Ev 534.3) MC VC
Sanitariums Near Important Cities—The Lord has shown me that there should be sanitariums near many important cities.... Suitable places must be provided to which we can bring the sick and suffering away from the cities, who know nothing of our people, and scarcely anything of Bible truth. Every effort possible is to be made to show the sick that disease may be cured by rational methods of treatment, without having recourse to injurious drugs. Let the sick be separated from harmful surroundings and associations, and placed in our sanitariums, where they can receive treatment from Christian nurses and physicians, and thus they become acquainted with the Word of God.—Letter 63, 1905. (Ev 534.4) MC VC
Planting Bases for the Message—It is the Lord’s desire that renewed efforts shall be put forth in many places, and small plants be established. A work is to be done that is to open the way for the advancement of the truth, and that will increase the faith of souls.... (Ev 535.1) MC VC
There are many fields to be worked, and calculations should not be made to plant many large interests in a few favored localities. The Lord has instructed me that we are not to make many large centers; for in every field there should be facilities for the successful carrying on of the work. For this reason a few large institutions should not be allowed to exhaust all the income of means. In small and large cities, and in settlements that lie outside the cities, there should be maintained small centers where faithful watchmen are stationed who will labor for souls. Wherever the missionary worker goes, there should follow his efforts the establishment of some small plant that the advance of the work may be hastened. When God’s servants do their work faithfully, Providence will open the way for these facilities in many places. (Ev 535.2) MC VC
In the highways and the byways efforts are to be put forth. We are not developing the work according to the best plans. We should plan to divide and subdivide our working forces, that we may work new fields. Letter 30, 1911. (Ev 535.3) MC VC