Ev 69-70, 79, 654
(Evangelism 69-70, 79, 654)
Doctrine Must Bear Scrutiny of Great Men“Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life.” John 5:39. Every position of truth taken by our people will bear the criticism of the greatest minds; the highest of the world’s great men will be brought in contact with truth, and therefore every position we take should be critically examined and tested by the Scriptures. Now we seem to be unnoticed, but this will not always be. Movements are at work to bring us to the front, and if our theories of truth can be picked to pieces by historians or the world’s greatest men, it will be done. (Ev 69.1) MC VC
We must individually know for ourselves what is truth, and be prepared to give a reason of the hope that we have with meekness and fear, not in a proud, boasting, self-sufficiency, but with the spirit of Christ. We are nearing the time when we shall stand individually alone to answer for our belief. Religious errors are multiplying and entwining themselves with Satanic power about the people. There is scarcely a doctrine of the Bible that has not been denied.—Letter 6, 1886. (Ev 69.2) MC VC
The Evangelist and His Team VC
Evangelism and Evangelists—When I think of the cities in which so little work has been done, in which there are so many thousands to be warned of the soon coming of the Saviour, I feel an intensity of desire to see men and women going forth to the work in the power of the Spirit filled with Christ’s love for perishing souls.... (Ev 69.3) MC VC
My mind is deeply stirred. In every city there is work to be done. Laborers are to go into our large cities and hold camp meetings. In these meetings, the very best talent is to be employed, that the truth may be proclaimed with power. Men of varied gifts are to be brought in.... (Ev 69.4) MC VC
New methods must be introduced. God’s people must awake to the necessities of the time in which they are living. God has men whom He will call into His service,—men who will not carry forward the work in the lifeless way in which it has been carried forward in the past.... (Ev 70.1) MC VC
In our large cities the message is to go forth as a lamp that burneth. God will raise up laborers for this work, and His angels will go before them. Let no one hinder these men of God’s appointment. Forbid them not. God has given them their work. Let the message be given with so much power that the hearers shall be convinced.—The Review and Herald, September 30, 1902. (Ev 70.2) MC VC
Strong Men Needed—I call upon our ministering brethren to consider this matter. Let strong men be appointed to work in the great centers.—Manuscript 25, 1908. (Ev 70.3) MC VC
A Variety of Talent—In our tent meetings we must have speakers who can make a good impression on the people. The ability of one man, however intelligent this man may be, is insufficient to meet the need. A variety of talents should be brought into these meetings.—Manuscript 104, 1902. (Ev 70.4) MC VC
Second Man a Good Investment—The Lord designs that His work shall be carried solidly. To enter a new field involves large expense. But the extra expense of a second man to help Brother _____ will be an investment that will bring returns. I feel to urge this matter because so much is at stake. I pray the Lord to impress your minds to carry out His will.—Letter 261, 1905. (Ev 70.5) MC VC
Reaching the Unwarned Sections of Our Cities—There is to be an increased force of working agencies in every part of the field. Let the laborers go out two and two, that they may work together in the many parts of our cities that have been left unwarned for a long time.—Letter 8, 1910. (Ev 79.1) MC VC
Every Part to Be Worked—Let a band of workers go to a city and work earnestly to proclaim the truth in every part of it. Let them counsel together as to the best way of carrying on the work in the most inexpensive manner. They are to do thorough work and are ever to keep the spiritual phase of their effort uppermost.—Manuscript 42, 1905. (Ev 79.2) MC VC
Tents Repitched to Reach Various Sections of City—Much wiser generalship should be shown in the location of camp meetings; they should not be held in out-of-the-way places, for in the cities there are people who need the truth. Camp meetings are to be held in places from which the people of our large cities can be reached.... (Ev 79.3) MC VC
Camp meetings must be held in or near the cities, the workers at one time pitching the tent in one part of the city and the next time in another part. Right at our doors there are heathen who need to hear the warning message. In the large cities of America memorials for God are to be established.—Letter 164, 1901. (Ev 79.4) MC VC
Planning for a Permanent Work VC
[See also pp. 321-326, “Binding Off Thoroughly.”] (Ev 79) MC VC
Surface Plowing—A Limited Harvest—We are in danger of spreading over more territory and starting more enterprises than we can possibly attend to properly, and they will become a wearing burden in absorbing means. There is danger to be guarded against of overdoing some branches of the work and leaving some important parts of the Lord’s vineyard to be neglected. To undertake and plan a large amount of work and do nothing perfectly, would be a bad plan. We are to move forward, but only in the counsel of God. We must not get so far above the simplicity of the work we lose our spiritual perception and it will be impossible to look after the many accumulated lines of work and enterprises entered into without sacrificing our best helpers to keep things in order. Life and health must be regarded. (Ev 79.5) MC VC
Ministers Not to Engage in Secular Affairs—I wish to say to Brethren _____ and _____ that their work is largely among unbelievers. Those who are successful expositors of Bible truth are to stand before those who have not heard the message for this time. These brethren whose names I have mentioned have a work to do in our camp meetings, which are to be held in the large cities. But they are in danger of disqualifying themselves for doing the work that God has given them to do. Elder _____ will surely lose his bearings unless he ceases to interest himself in work that God does not require him to do, work that demands attention to business details. By engaging in secular work he would not be doing that which has been appointed him by God. The proclamation of the gospel message will be his light and life.—Manuscript 105, 1902. (Ev 654.1) MC VC
With an Eye Single to the Glory of God—It is Satan’s regular employment to hinder the work of God, and to work for the destruction of the race. Frequently when the interest in a certain locality is at its height, he makes it appear to the mind of the worker that some trifling matter at home is of great importance, and demands his immediate presence. The eye of the worker not being single to the glory of God, he leaves the work unfinished, and rushes home. He may be kept away for days and even weeks, and his former work becomes raveled and tangled. Stitch after stitch is dropped, never to be taken up again. This pleases the enemy. And when he sees that he is successful in making temporal matters supreme in the mind of this person, he gives him his hands full of trouble. He at once begins to manufacture home difficulties, so as to entangle his mind, and, if possible, to keep him away from the work altogether.... (Ev 654.2) MC VC