Te 239
(Temperance 239)
No Tame Message Now—The conflict against this evil, which is destroying the image of God in man, must be vigorously maintained. The warfare is before us. No tame message will have influence now. God looks upon our world as revolted and corrupted, but He will send His holy angels to aid those who will engage to destroy the worship of these idols.—Letter 102a, 1897. (Te 239.1) MC VC
The evil [of intemperance] must be more boldly met in the future than it has been in the past.—The Youth’s Instructor, March 9, 1909. (Te 239.2) MC VC
Temperance Sermons in Every City Effort—In the advocacy of the cause of temperance, our efforts are to be multiplied. The subject of Christian temperance should find a place in our sermons in every city where we labor. Health reform in all its bearings is to be presented before the people, and special efforts made to instruct the youth, the middle-aged, and the aged in the principles of Christian living. Let this phase of the message be revived, and let the truth go forth as a lamp that burneth.—Manuscript 61, 1909. (Te 239.3) MC VC
With Convincing Arguments and Strong Appeals—In all our large gatherings we must bring the temperance question before our hearers in the strongest appeals and by the most convincing arguments. The Lord has given us the work of teaching Christian temperance from a Bible standpoint.—Manuscript 82, 1900. (Te 239.4) MC VC
Schools of Health to Follow Public Meetings—There is a great work to be done in bringing the principles of health reform to the notice of the people. Public meetings should be held to introduce the subject, and schools should be held in which those who are interested can be told more particularly about our health foods and of how a wholesome, nourishing, appetizing diet can be provided without the use of meat, tea, or coffee.... (Te 239.5) MC VC