CL 26
(Country Living 26)
Carefully Consider Every Move VC
Let everyone take time to consider carefully; and not be like the man in the parable who began to build, and was not able to finish. Not a move should be made but that movement and all that it portends are carefully considered—everything weighed.... To every man was given his work according to his several ability. Then let him not move hesitatingly, but firmly, and yet humbly trusting in God. (CL 26.1) MC VC
There may be individuals who will make a rush to do something, and enter into some business they know nothing about. This God does not require. Think candidly, prayerfully, studying the Word with all carefulness and prayerfulness, with mind and heart awake to hear the voice of God.... To understand the will of God is a great thing. (CL 26.2) MC VC
Well-Defined Plans Needed VC
I address words to the church at Battle Creek, to move in the counsels of God. There is need of your moving—many from Battle Creek—and there is also need of your having well-defined plans as to what you will do when you go out from Battle Creek. Do not go in a rush, without knowing what you are about.... O for generals, wise and considerate, well-balanced men, who will be safe advisers, who have some insight into human nature, who know how to direct and counsel in the fear of God. (CL 26.3) MC VC
Danger Attends New Experience VC
I have seen that danger attends every new phase of experience in the church, because some hear things with such a strong spirit. While some teachers may be strong and efficient in teaching in the lines of Bible doctrines, they will not all be men who have a knowledge of practical life, and can advise perplexed minds with surety and safety. They do not discern the perplexing situation that must necessarily come to every family who shall make a change. Therefore, let all be careful what they say; if they know not the mind of God in some matters, let them never speak from a guess or suppose so. If they know nothing definite, let them say so, and let the individual rely wholly upon God. Let there be much praying done, and even with fasting, that not one shall move in darkness, but move in the light as God is in the light.... (CL 26.4) MC VC