1T 134
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 134)
I saw that some professed Sabbathkeepers spend hours that are worse than thrown away, in studying this or that fashion to decorate the poor, mortal body. While you make yourselves appear like the world, and as beautiful as you can, remember that the same body may in a few days be food for worms. And while you adorn it to your taste, to please the eye, you are dying spiritually. God hates your vain, wicked pride, and He looks upon you as a whited sepulcher, full of corruption and uncleanness within. (1T 134.1) MC VC
Mothers set the example of pride for their children, and, by so doing, sow seed that will spring up and bear fruit. The harvest will be plenteous and sure. That which they sow, they shall reap. There will be no failure in the crop. I saw, parents, that it is easier for you to teach your children a lesson of pride, than a lesson of humility. Satan and his angels stand right by your side to make the act of yours, or the word that you speak to them, effectual to encourage them to dress, and in their pride to mingle with society that is not holy. O parents, you plant in your own bosoms a thorn that you will often feel in anguish. When you would counteract the sad lesson you have taught your children, you will find it a hard thing. It is impossible for you to do this. You may deny them things that would gratify their pride, yet it still lives in the heart, longing to be satisfied; and nothing can kill this pride but the quick and powerful Spirit of God. When this finds its way to the heart, it will work like leaven there and root it out. (1T 134.2) MC VC
I saw that young and old neglect the Bible. They do not make that book their study and their rule of life as they should. Especially are the young guilty of this neglect. Most of them are ready, and find plenty of time, to read almost any other book. But the word that points to life, eternal life, is not perused and daily studied. That precious, important book that is to judge them in the last day is scarcely studied at all. Idle stories have been attentively read, while the Bible has been passed by neglected. A day is coming, a day of clouds and thick darkness, when all will wish to be thoroughly furnished by the plain, simple truths of the word of God, that they may meekly, yet decidedly, give a reason of their hope. This reason of their hope, I saw, they must have to strengthen their own souls for the fierce conflict. Without this they are wanting, and cannot have firmness and decision. (1T 134.3) MC VC