CM 15, 37
(Colporteur Ministry 15, 37)
My brethren and sisters, remember that one day you will stand before the Lord of all the earth, to give an account of the deeds done in the body. Then your work will appear as it really is. The vineyard is large, and the Lord is calling for laborers. Do not allow anything to keep you from the work of soul saving. The canvassing work is a most successful way of saving souls. Will you not try it?—The Review and Herald, June 2, 1903. (CM 37.1) MC VC
Colporteur to Reveal Christ—Christ’s interests are the first and the highest of all interests. He has a property in this world that He wishes secured, saved for His everlasting kingdom. It is for His Father’s glory and for His own glory that His messengers shall go forth in His name; for they and He are one. They are to reveal Him to the world. His interests are their interests. If they will be colaborers with Him, they will be made heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ to an immortal inheritance.—The Review and Herald, June 2, 1903. (CM 37.2) MC VC
Speak Words of Truth—The canvassing work is a work of great responsibility, and it means much not only to those who are engaged in it, but to the people for whom they labor. Let the canvasser remember that his work is evangelistic in its nature, and that God wants those whom he meets to be saved. Let him keep his heart under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Let him keep the Bible near him for reference, and when an opportunity presents itself to speak words of truth, let him pray for grace to speak wisely, that to those to whom he speaks his words may be a savor of life unto life.—The Review and Herald, June 16, 1903. (CM 37.3) MC VC