CM 45
(Colporteur Ministry 45)
As Important as Preaching—The ministerial evangelist who engages in the canvassing work is performing a service fully as important as that of preaching the gospel before a congregation Sabbath after Sabbath. God looks upon the faithful evangelistic canvasser with as much approval as He looks upon any faithful minister. Both workers have light, and both are to shine in their respective spheres of influence. God calls upon every man to co-operate with the great Medical Missionary Worker, and to go forth into the highways and byways. Each man, in his particular line of service, has a work to do for God. Such laborers, if converted, are true missionaries.—Letter 186, 1903. (CM 45.1) MC VC
There are some who are adapted to the work of the colporteur and who can accomplish more in this line than by preaching. If the Spirit of Christ dwells in their hearts, they will find opportunity to present His word to others and to direct minds to the special truths for this time.—Testimonies for the Church 6:323 (1900). (CM 45.2) MC VC