CM 31
(Colporteur Ministry 31)
Opportunity for Student Colporteurs—When school closes, there will be opportunity for many to go out into the field as evangelistic canvassers. The faithful colporteur finds his way into many homes, where he leaves precious reading matter containing the truth for this time.—The Review and Herald, August 27, 1903. (CM 31.1) MC VC
Learn in the School of Christ—As students, you are ever to be learning in the school of Christ; you are to bring your entrusted capital of physical and mental energy into your work. God will not accept of a divided heart. There are men and women who should be educating themselves for canvassers, and for Bible readers [Bible instructors]. They should put away every unholy thought and corrupting practice, that they may be sanctified through the truth. They should be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. Nothing less than the power of God will make and keep you right. You are to offer to God nothing less than your best. You should do better and better work as you put in practice what you learn.—The Review and Herald, May 20, 1890. (CM 31.2) MC VC
A Means of Education—I have had special light in regard to the canvassing work, and the impression and burden does not leave me. This work is a means of education. It is an excellent school for those who are qualifying themselves to enter the ministry. Those who take up this work as they should place themselves where they learn of Christ and follow His example. Angels are commissioned to go forth with those who take up this work in true humility.—Manuscript 26, 1901. (CM 31.3) MC VC