CM 8, 20, 120
(Colporteur Ministry 8, 20, 120)
Equal in Importance to the Ministry—Canvassers must go out into various parts of the country. The importance of this work is fully equal to that of the ministry. The living preacher and the silent messenger are both required for the accomplishment of the great work before us.—The Review and Herald, April 1, 1880. (CM 8.1) MC VC
Canvassing for our publications is an important and most profitable line of evangelistic work. Our publications can go to places where meetings cannot be held. In such places the faithful evangelistic canvasser takes the place of the living preacher. By the canvassing work the truth is presented to thousands who otherwise would never hear it.—The Review and Herald, October 7, 1902. (CM 8.2) MC VC
We have no time to lose. Important work is before us, and if we are slothful servants we shall certainly lose the heavenly reward. But few have broad and extensive views of what can be done in reaching the people by personal, interested efforts in a wise distribution of our publications. Many who will not be induced to listen to the truth presented by the living preacher will take up a tract or a paper and peruse it; many things they read meet their ideas exactly, and they become interested to read all it contains.—The Review and Herald, December 19, 1878. (CM 8.3) MC VC
Why is there not a more diligent seeking of the Lord, that hundreds may be filled with the Holy Spirit, and may go forth to proclaim the truth, “the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following?” Mark 16:20. Our commission is to let the light shine forth everywhere from the press. By the printed page the light reaches the isolated ones, who have no opportunity to hear the living preachers. This is a most blessed missionary work. Canvassers can be the Lord’s helping hand, opening doors for the entrance of truth.... (CM 20.1) MC VC
We must arouse the zeal and earnestness of the canvassing agents, calling on them to take the light into the dark places of the earth. There is no release for any who have talents and capabilities. They are required to be the Lord’s instruments, required to co-operate with the Lord Jesus in shedding the light of heaven into this sin-darkened world.—Letter 21, 1902. (CM 20.2) MC VC
Workers From Every Church—God calls for workers from every church among us to enter His service as canvasser evangelists. God loves His church. If the members will do His will, if they will strive to impart the light to those in darkness, He will greatly bless their efforts. He represents the church as being the light of the world. Through its faithful ministrations, a multitude that no man can number will become children of God, fitted for the everlasting glory. Every part of God’s dominion is to be filled with His glory. What, then, is the church doing to enlighten the world, that from all parts of the earth a tribute of praise and prayer and thanksgiving may ascend to Him?—Letter 124, 1902. (CM 20.3) MC VC
Section 5—Our Truth-filled Literature (CM 120) MC VC
Chapter 19—Books That Give the Message VC
Proclaim the Third Angel’s Message—The Lord calls for workers to enter the canvassing field that the books containing the light of present truth may be circulated. The people in the world need to know that the signs of the times are fulfilling. Take to them the books that will enlighten them.... (CM 120.1) MC VC
Those who have been long in the truth are asleep. They need to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit. The third angel’s message is to be proclaimed with a loud voice. Tremendous issues are before us. We have no time to lose. God forbid that we should allow minor matters to eclipse the light which should be given to the world. (CM 120.2) MC VC
The warning message is to be carried to all parts of the world. Our books are to be published in many different languages. With these books, humble, faithful men are to go forth as colporteur evangelists, bearing the truth to many who otherwise would never be enlightened.—Manuscript 76, 1901. (CM 120.3) MC VC
A Definite Mission—My heart aches as I see those who profess to be looking for the Saviour devoting their time and talents to circulating books that contain nothing concerning the special truths for this time—books of narrative, books of biography, books of men’s theories and speculations. The world is full of such books; they can be had anywhere; but how can the followers of Christ engage in so common a work, when there is crying need for God’s truth on every hand? It is not our mission to circulate such works. There are thousands of others to do this, who as yet have not sufficient knowledge of anything better. We have a definite mission, and we should not turn from it to side issues. Men and means are not to be employed in bringing before the people books that have no bearing upon the present truth.—Manual for Canvassers, 51 (1902). (CM 120.4) MC VC