HP 121.2
(In Heavenly Places 121.2)
[Written during a long period of illness and suffering, while the author was in australia.] Many hours I have passed in wakefulness and pain, but I have had the precious promises of God brought so fresh and with reviving power to my mind. The dear Saviour has been very near to me, and I love to meditate upon the love of Jesus. His tender compassion and the lessons which He gave to His disciples become clear and so full of meaning that they are the feeding of the soul upon heavenly manna.... When the Lord sees fit to say, “Lie there patiently, and reflect”; and when the Holy Spirit brings many things to my memory, precious beyond expression, I do not know what reason I have to complain.... I call to mind the verses which have been a comfort to me many times in my affliction:—Written during a long period of illness and suffering, while the author was in Australia. (HP 121.2) MC VC