3SM 80.0
(Selected Messages Book 3 80.0)
Partial Acceptance—For many months, excepting for a few nights, I have not been able to sleep past one o’clock. I find myself sitting in conversation with you, and others, pleading with you as a mother would plead with her son.... (3SM 80.1) MC VC
You are doubtless surprised, as I expected you would be, that I write to you in so plain and decided a manner. But this I must do, for I am made a steward of the grace of Christ, and I must do this errand for the Lord. You may feel well satisfied with yourself. You may deny the representation given me of your case. Some are doing this today.... (3SM 80.2) MC VC
This is the reason that men and women do not always see their errors and mistakes, even when these are pointed out to them. They claim to believe the testimonies that come to them, until the message comes that they must change their plans and methods, that their character-building must be altogether different, else the storm and tempest will sweep it from its foundation. Then the enemy tempts them to justify themselves. (3SM 80.3) MC VC
After reading this message, you will doubtless be tempted to say, “This is not so. I am not as I am represented here. Someone has filled Sister White’s mind with a mass of trash about me.” But I tell you in the name of the Lord that the words of this writing are from God. If you choose thus to dispose of the matter, you show the measure of your faith in the work that the Lord has given his servant to do.—Letter 13, 1902. (3SM 80.4) MC VC
The Portions Condemning Favorite Indulgences—There are some professed believers who accept certain portions of the testimonies as the message of God, while they reject those portions which condemn their favorite indulgences. Such persons are working contrary to their own welfare and the welfare of the church. It is essential that we walk in the light while we have the light.—Manuscript 71, 1908. (3SM 80.5) MC VC