CW 106
(Counsels to Writers and Editors 106)
We have no time now to enter into unnecessary controversy, but we should earnestly consider the need of seeking the Lord for true conversion of heart and life. There should be determined efforts made to secure sanctification of soul and mind. There is a deep and earnest work to be done in every church and in every family. Fathers and mothers have a solemn work to do in bringing their children to understand the necessity of seeking the Lord for salvation from sin.—Letter 226, 1908. (CW 106.1) MC VC
Type of Articles Needed—I fear that our ministering brethren are not doing the work that the time demands. Special efforts are being made in the trial volume of the Review to present our faith in a condensed form before its readers. Every number of the paper going to so many people should correctly represent our faith. Articles are needed that will place before the readers a comprehensive view of our position. The different points of faith are to be clearly defined. (CW 106.2) MC VC
The publication of this trial volume is an important enterprise. The most should be made of the opportunity to awaken in the minds of the readers of the Review an interest in the truths we hold essential and sacred. Many numbers of the trial volume have been published. There are not many more to be issued. Soon the golden opportunity to present important truths at the right time will have passed. The most should be made of this opportunity. Articles right to the point should be published, clearly and correctly defining our position. Impressions, either favorable or unfavorable, are being made upon the readers. How anxious all should be who contribute to the Review to have every article interesting and right to the point.... (CW 106.3) MC VC