2MCP 480.1
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2 480.1)
Look Away From Self—Look away from yourself to Jesus. You may acknowledge that you are a sinner, while at the same time it is your privilege to recognize Christ as your Saviour. He came not to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance. Difficulties and suggestions will be presented by Satan to the human mind, that he may weaken faith and destroy courage. He has manifold temptations that can come trooping into the mind, one succeeding another; but to closely study your emotions and give way to your feelings is to entertain the evil guest of doubt, and by so doing you entangle yourself in perplexities of despair. You may inquire, What shall I do under these terrible suggestions? Expel them from the mind by looking at and contemplating the matchless depths of a Saviour’s love. Do not exalt your feelings and tell of them and worship them whether good, bad, sad, or encouraging.—Lt 41, 1893. (2MCP 480.1) MC VC