VSS 156
(The Voice in Speech and Song 156)
No Doubt nor Discouragement—Make it a rule never to utter one word of doubt or discouragement. You can do much to brighten the life of others and strengthen their efforts, by words of hope and holy cheer.—Steps to Christ, 119, 120. (VSS 156.1) MC VC
Nothing Cheap nor Common—Let us educate the tongue to speak right words—words that will encourage and strengthen our fellow men. Let us talk of goodness, and mercy, and the love of God. Put away all unbelieving words, and all that is cheap and common.—The Review and Herald, March 28, 1899. (VSS 156.2) MC VC
Inspiration Through a Holy Boldness—Let the tongue be inspired with a holy boldness to speak words of encouragement, words that will arouse and strengthen souls to break the bands of indolence and security that bind them in uncertainty.—Lt 151, 1903. (VSS 156.3) MC VC
Parrot-like Repetitions—You cannot reach hearts with a mere form of words, a parrot-like repetition of set phrases. What you say must be the expression of a personal experience. If you cheer hearts with words of courage and hope, it will be because the grace and love of God are to you a living reality. It is God’s impress that these souls are to receive, not your own. But if the worker has not himself been refined, transformed, he cannot present the truth with a freshness, a force, a power, that awakens responsive feelings in those who hear the word of life.—The Review and Herald, April 12, 1892. (VSS 156.4) MC VC