PK 332
(Prophets and Kings 332)
In a few well-chosen words the king reviewed the situation they were facing—the closed temple and the cessation of all services within its precincts; the flagrant idolatry practiced in the streets of the city and throughout the kingdom; the apostasy of multitudes who might have remained true to God had the leaders in Judah set before them a right example; and the decline of the kingdom and loss of prestige in the estimation of surrounding nations. The northern kingdom was rapidly crumbling to pieces; many were perishing by the sword; a multitude had already been carried away captive; soon Israel would fall completely into the hands of the Assyrians, and be utterly ruined; and this fate would surely befall Judah as well, unless God should work mightily through chosen representatives. (PK 332.1) MC VC
Hezekiah appealed directly to the priests to unite with him in bringing about the necessary reforms. “Be not now negligent,” he exhorted them; “for the Lord hath chosen you to stand before Him, to serve Him, and that ye should minister unto Him, and burn incense.” “Sanctify now yourselves, and sanctify the house of the Lord God of your fathers.” 2 Chronicles 29:11, 5 (PK 332.2) MC VC
It was a time for quick action. The priests began at once. Enlisting the co-operation of others of their number who had not been present during this conference, they engaged heartily in the work of cleansing and sanctifying the temple. Because of the years of desecration and neglect, this was attended with many difficulties; but the priests and the Levites labored untiringly, and within a remarkably short time they were able to report their task completed. The temple doors had been repaired and thrown open; the sacred vessels had been assembled and put into place; and all was in readiness for the re-establishment of the sanctuary services. (PK 332.3) MC VC