RC 235.2
(Reflecting Christ 235.2)
The Christian pilgrim is not left to walk in darkness. Jesus leads the way. Those who follow Him walk in the sunshine of His presence. The path the pilgrim treads is clear and well defined. Christ’s righteousness goes before him—the righteousness that makes possible the good works characterizing the life of every true Christian. God is his rearward. He walks in the light as Christ is in the light. As he travels onward in the Christian journey, he combines faith with earnest endeavor to win others to accompany him. Constantly receiving the light of Christ’s presence, constantly he reflects this light to others in words of encouragement and deeds of self-denial. He bears the sign of obedience to God’s law, which distinguishes him from those who are not following the pathway that leads to life eternal.... (RC 235.2) MC VC