2MCP 491.0
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2 491.0)
You know our bodies are made up of the food assimilated. Now, it is the same with our minds. If we have a mind to dwell on the disagreeable things of life, we will not have any hope, but we want to dwell on the cheery scenes of heaven. Says Paul, “Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” (2 Corinthians 4:17).—MS 7, 1888. (2MCP 491.1) MC VC
Christ Sympathizes (encouragement to a Christian suffering depression)—My dear aged sister _____, I am much grieved because you are sick and suffering. But cling to Him whom you have loved and served these many years. He gave His own life for the world, and He loves everyone who trusts in Him. He sympathizes with those who suffer under the depression of disease. He feels every pang of anguish that His loved ones feel. Just rest in His arms and know that He is your Saviour, and your very best Friend, and that He will never leave nor forsake you. He has been your dependence for many years, and your soul may rest in hope. (2MCP 491.2) MC VC
You will come forth with other faithful ones who have believed in Him, to praise Him with a voice of triumph. All you are expected to do is to rest in His love. Do not worry. Jesus loves you, and now when you are weak and suffering, He holds you in His arms, just as a loving father holds a little child. Trust in Him in whom you have believed. Has He not loved and cared for you all through your lifetime? Just rest in the precious promises given you.—Lt 299, 1904. (2MCP 491.3) MC VC
Not to Give Way to Depression—In the night season I was conversing with you. I was saying to you, I am much pleased because you are in such a good location and can be near to the Sanitarium. Do not give way to depression, but let the comforting influence of the Holy Spirit be welcomed into your heart, to give you comfort and peace.... (2MCP 491.4) MC VC