2T 229
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 2 229)
You can now face rightabout, heed the call of mercy, and live. Rejoice that your probation has not ended, that you may now, by patient continuance in well-doing, seek for glory, honor, immortality, and eternal life. Rejoice that she who has been your faithful companion for years shall rise again, that mortality will be swallowed up of life. Look forward to the morning of the resurrection, when she who shared your joys and sorrows for more than a score of years will come forth from her prison house. Will you have her look for you, her companion, in vain? Will you be missing then, as her voice is raised in triumph and victory: “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” 1 Corinthians 15:55. Oh, that day will bring honor to the saints! No shame, no reproach, no suffering then; but peace, joy, and immortal praise upon every redeemed tongue! Oh, that God would speak to your heart and impress you with the value of eternal life. And may you be led, my brother, to ever possess a spirit of noble generosity, that you may discharge the duties of your stewardship with faithfulness, having an eye single to the glory of God, that the Master may say to you: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: ... enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” Matthew 25:21. (2T 229.1) MC VC
Chapter 32—Danger of Riches VC
I was shown that some are deceived in regard to themselves. They look to those who have much property, and feel that these are the only ones who have a love of the world, and who are in any special danger of covetousness. But this is not the case. Those who have means are constantly in danger, and are accountable for all the talents of means which the Master has entrusted to their care. But those who have little of this world are frequently self-caring, and do not do that which is in their power to do, and which God requires them to do. They frequently have opportunities to do good, but they have so long cared for self, and studied self-interest, that they think there is no other way for them to do. (2T 229.2) MC VC