Ev 67
(Evangelism 67)
Gifted, Experienced Laborers for New City Fields—Experienced laborers should be given the work of entering new places. A course is to be pursued that will maintain the sacred dignity of the work. We are ever to remember that evil angels are watching for opportunities to defeat our efforts. (Ev 67.1) MC VC
The cities are to be worked. A season of great trial is before us. Then let none lift up the soul unto vanity. It becomes those who are striving for the crown of life to strive lawfully. All our capabilities and gifts are to be used in the work of saving perishing souls, thus winning others to become co-laborers with Christ. The knowledge and powers that the Lord has given men and women will be largely increased as they work to build up His kingdom.—Manuscript 19, 1910. (Ev 67.2) MC VC
Elevated, Refined, Conscientious Manner— Throughout the ages, God has been particular as to the design and the accomplishment of His work. In this age, He has given His people much light and instruction in regard to how His work is to be carried forward—in an elevated, refined, conscientious manner; and He is pleased with those who in their service carry out His design.—The Review and Herald, September 14, 1905. (Ev 67.3) MC VC
On a High Plane—During the years of Christ’s ministry on earth, godly women assisted in the work that the Saviour and His disciples were carrying forward. If those who were opposing this work could have found anything out of the regular order in the conduct of these women, it would have closed the work at once. But while women were laboring with Christ and the apostles, the entire work was conducted on so high a plane as to be above the shadow of a suspicion. No occasion for any accusation could be found. The minds of all were directed to the Scriptures, rather than to individuals. The truth was proclaimed intelligently, and so plainly that all could understand.... (Ev 67.4) MC VC