CSW 36
(Counsels on Sabbath School Work 36)
A Barrier Against Temptation VC
There should be a living, growing interest in storing the mind with Bible truth. The precious knowledge thus gained will build a barrier about the soul. Although assailed with temptation, there will be a firm trust in Jesus, through the knowledge of Him who hath called them “to glory and to virtue.”(2 Peter 1:3)—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 12. (CSW 36.1) MC VC
Divine Aid in the Search for Truth VC
Point after point of truth should be investigated; for there is no limitation to the truth of God, and in its study a most lively interest should be felt by both teachers and pupils, that they may know what God hath said. For years the voice of God has been saying to us, “Agitate, agitate, agitate.” Study every point of truth, that you may know for yourselves what is truth in distinction from error. Let students search for themselves, that they may know the deep things of God. Let this work be done in the Spirit of Christ. Put no restriction upon the students. (CSW 36.2) MC VC