2T 695
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 2 695)
Chapter 81—Accountability for Light Received VC
I have been shown the case of Brother P. He had been standing for some time resisting the truth. His sin was not that he did not receive that which he sincerely believed to be error, but that he did not investigate diligently and gain a knowledge of what he was opposing. He took it for granted that Sabbathkeeping Adventists, as a body, were in error. This view was in harmony with his feelings, and he did not see the necessity of finding out for himself by diligently searching the Scriptures with earnest prayer. Had he pursued this course he might now have been far in advance of his present position. He has been too slow to receive evidence and too neglectful in searching the Scriptures to see if these things are so. Paul did not consider those worthy of commendation who resisted his teachings as long as they could until compelled by overwhelming evidence to decide in favor of the doctrine which he taught and which he had received of God. (2T 695.1) MC VC
Paul and Silas labored in the synagogue of the Jews at Thessalonica with some success; but the unbelieving Jews were greatly dissatisfied, and created a disturbance, and made a great uproar against them. These devoted apostles were obliged to leave Thessalonica under the cover of night and go to Berea. Where they were gladly welcomed. They speak in commendation of the Bereans thus: “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Therefore many of them believed.” Acts 17:11~12. (2T 695.2) MC VC