TDG 314.4
(This Day With God 314.4)
There is positive danger that some who profess to believe the truth will be found in a position similar to that of the Jews. They take the ideas of the men they are associated with, not because by searching the Scriptures they conscientiously accept the teachings in doctrine as truth. I entreat you to make God your trust; idolize no man, depend upon no man. Let not your love of man hold them in places of trust that they are not qualified to fill to the glory of God, for man is finite and erring, liable to be controlled by his own opinions and feelings. Self-esteem and self-righteousness are coming in upon us, and many will fall because of unbelief and unrighteousness, for the grace of Christ is not ruling in the hearts of many. We are to be ever searching for the truth as for hidden treasures.... (TDG 314.4) MC VC