2T 620, 624
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 2 620, 624)
Some of our ministers are standing directly in the way of the advancement of the work of God, and the people who look to them for an example are backsliding from God. About two years ago I was shown the dangers of our ministers and the result of their course upon the cause of God. I have spoken in general terms in reference to these things, but those most at fault are the last to apply the testimonies to themselves. Some are so blinded by their own selfish interest that they lose sight of the exalted character of the work of God. (2T 620.1) MC VC
Brother B, your life has been almost a failure. You had talents of influence, but you have not improved them to the best account. You have failed in your family; you have let things go at loose ends there, and the same deficiencies are felt in the church. The Lord has given you light in regard to your neglect of duty in your family and the course which you should pursue to redeem the past. Your deficiencies were pointed out, but you did not feel the sinfulness of bringing children into the world to come up without proper training. You have excused their errors, their sins, and their wayward, reckless course, and have flattered yourself that they would come out right by and by. (2T 620.2) MC VC
Eli exactly represents your case. You have occasionally remonstrated with your children, saying: “Why do ye so wickedly?” but you have not exercised your authority as a father, as a priest of the household, to command and have your words as law in your family. Your own, and also your wife’s, mistaken fondness for your children has led you to neglect the solemn obligation devolving upon you as parents. (2T 620.3) MC VC
A double obligation rested upon you, Brother B, as a minister of God, to rule well your own house and bring your children into subjection. But you have been pleased with their aptness and have excused their faults. Sin in them did not appear very sinful. You have displeased God and nearly ruined your children by your neglect of duty, and you have continued this neglect after the Lord had reproved and counseled you. The injury done to the cause of God by your influence as a family in the different places where you have lived has been greater than the good that you have accomplished. You have been blinded and deceived by Satan in regard to your family. You and your wife have made your children your equals. They have done about as they pleased. This has been a sad drawback to you in your work as a minister of Christ, and the neglect of your duty to bring your children into subjection has led to a still greater evil, which threatens to destroy your usefulness. You have been apparently serving the cause of God, while you have been serving yourself more. The cause of God has languished; but you have been earnestly figuring and planning how to advantage yourself, and souls have been lost through your neglect of duty. Had you, during your ministry, occupied a position to build up this work, had you set an example by serving the cause of God irrespective of your own interest, and become worn through your devotion to it, your course would be more excusable, though even then it would not be approved of God. But when your deficiencies have been so apparent in some things, and the cause of God has suffered greatly because of the example you have given by your neglect of duty in your family, it is grievous in the sight of God for you to be professedly serving the cause, yet making your own selfish interests prominent. (2T 620.4) MC VC
But allowing that the two eldest are now beyond your control, they were not when God sent you the light that you were indulging them to their ruin; that you should discipline them. But you have three younger children who are walking in the way of sinners, disobedient, unthankful, unholy, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Your youngest son is following in the footsteps of his brother. What course are you pursuing toward him? Do you train him to habits of industry and usefulness? Are you taking up your fearfully neglected work and redeeming the past? Do you tremble at the word of God? (2T 624.1) MC VC
Your neglect at home is wonderful in one that has God’s written word and also testimonies borne especially to you, showing your neglect. Your boy does as he pleases. You do not restrain him. You have not educated and trained him to bear his share of the burdens of life. He is a bad boy because of your neglect. His life is a reproach to his father. You knew your duty, but you did it not. He has no convictions of the truth. He knows he can have his own way, and Satan controls his mind. You have made your children an excuse to keep you at home; but, Brother B, the things of this world have come first (2T 624.2) MC VC
The cause of God does not lie near your soul, and the example you have given the people of God is not worthy of imitation. In Minnesota they need laborers, not merely ministers who go from place to place when it is convenient. God’s cause must have minutemen who will not be hindered from the work of God or the call of duty by any selfish or worldly interest. Minnesota is a large field, and many there are susceptible to the influence of the truth. Could the churches be brought into working order, thoroughly disciplined, a light would shine forth from them that would tell all through the state. You might have done tenfold more in Minnesota than you have done. But the world has come in between you and the work of God, and divided your interest. Selfish interest has come into your heart, and the power of the truth has been going out. There is need of a great change in you, that you may be brought into working order. You have accomplished but little real, earnest labor. Yet you have been in earnest to obtain all the means you could as your right. You have overreached; you have looked out for your own interest, and have advantaged yourself at the disadvantage of others. You have for some time been going in this direction; and unless you are checked, your influence is at an end. Moses Hull went in this direction. His conversation was with covetousness, and he gathered all the means that he could obtain. His hold of the truth was not strong enough to overcome his selfishness. (2T 624.3) MC VC