Ev 335-6
(Evangelism 335-6)
Careful Plans for the Follow-up Series—It may be advisable to change locations and have new congregations, but all the time you are making a second effort, do it just as perfectly as if the first effort had not been made. Let every talent of the workers be put out to the exchangers. Let everyone do his level best and act an energetic part in the work and service of God. (Ev 335.1) MC VC
There are different kinds of work to be done. Souls are precious in the sight of God; educate them, teach them, as they embrace the truth, how to bear responsibilities. He who sees the end from the beginning, who can make the seeds sown wholly fruitful, will be with you in your efforts.—Letter 48, 1886. (Ev 335.2) MC VC
An Example of Thorough Follow-up Work—Our meeting has ended. From the very first day, October 21, up to the present time (November 10), the interest has not abated. At the first meeting the large tent was crowded, and a wall of people stood round the outside. (Ev 335.3) MC VC
I spoke six times on Sabbath, Sunday, and Wednesday afternoons to the crowd that assembled, and five times in various lines to our people. We had the best of ministerial labor.... The word was spoken in no faltering, hesitating manner, but in the demonstration of the Spirit and with power. The interest was superior to anything we have seen in any camp meeting in this country. We feel very grateful to the Lord for this opportunity of making known the light of present truth. As in Christ’s day, the people listen and are astonished and captivated. They say, “We never heard anything like this. Oh, how I wish I could have heard all these things before. I never knew such things were in the Bible. I see that the work before me is to search the Scriptures as I have never done before.” (Ev 335.4) MC VC
The Word of God has indeed been like a sword, quick and powerful. The crowds of people listened interestedly for one and nearly two hours without showing any appearance of weariness. Oh, I am so glad, so thankful. I praise the Lord with heart and soul and voice.... (Ev 336.1) MC VC
Several workers are keeping up the interest in Stanmore. This interest does not flag. The big tent has been taken down and sent to Melbourne. The forty-foot tent is being spliced in the center so that it will seat as many as possible, and will be used here. A house has been rented to accommodate the workers. A room has been prepared for me, and if I am able I shall probably go to Sydney this week to join the workers. We must do all we possibly can to make this effort a success. Elder Haskell writes cheeringly in regard to the work there and the unflagging interest.—Letter 27, 1897. (Ev 336.2) MC VC
Building on Interest Created—The laborers who may come in after an interest has been created, may be men who have even less ability than those who have started the work; but if they are humble men of God, they may present the truth in such a way as to arouse and impress the hearts of some who have hitherto been untouched. The Lord reveals truth to different minds in different aspects, so that through one man’s presentation some point of truth is made clearer than through another man’s presentation, and for this very reason the Lord does not permit one man alone the work of dealing with human minds.... (Ev 336.3) MC VC
One man may carry his part of the work as far as he can, and then the Lord will send another of His workmen to do another part of the work that the first worker did not feel the necessity of doing, and yet it was essential that the work should be done. Therefore let no man feel that it is his duty to begin and carry forward a work entirely himself. If it is possible for Him to have other gifts in other laborers to work for the conversion of souls, let him gladly co-operate with them.—Manuscript 21, 1894. (Ev 336.4) MC VC