Ev 246-7
(Evangelism 246-7)
I write this that you may understand the situation. In poultry raising many families find a means of livelihood, and these could not raise the objection that many raise to keeping the Sabbath—that it would interfere with their business. They could keep the Sabbath without fear of losing their employment.—Letter 113, 1902. (Ev 246.1) MC VC
Preaching on Nonimmortality VC
Delay Presentation of Objectionable Features—Great wisdom should be used in the presentation of a truth that comes directly in opposition to the opinions and practices of the people. Paul’s habit was to dwell upon the prophecies when with the Jewish people, and bring them down step by step, and then after some time open the subject of Christ as the true Messiah. (Ev 246.2) MC VC
I have been shown that our ministers go too rapidly through their subjects and bring the most objectionable features of our faith too early into their effort. There are truths that will not involve so great a cross, that should be kept before their minds, day after day and even weeks before the Sabbath and immortality questions are entered upon. Then you gain the confidence of the people as being men who have clear, forcible arguments, and they think you understand the Scriptures. When once the confidence of the people is gained, then it is time enough to introduce publicly the Sabbath and immortality questions. (Ev 246.3) MC VC
But men who are not wise advance these questions too soon, and thus close the ears of the people, when with greater care and more faith and aptness and wisdom they could have carried them along step by step through the important events in the prophecies and in dwelling upon practical subjects in the teachings of Christ.—Letter 48, 1886. (Ev 246.4) MC VC
One of the Great Delusions—Every species of delusion is now being brought in. The plainest truths of God’s Word are covered with a mass of man-made theories. Deadly errors are presented as the truth to which all must bow. The simplicity of true godliness is buried beneath tradition. (Ev 247.1) MC VC
The doctrine of the natural immortality of the soul is one error with which the enemy is deceiving man. This error is well-nigh universal.... (Ev 247.2) MC VC
This is one of the lies forged in the synagogue of the enemy, one of the poisonous drafts of Babylon. “All nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”(Revelation 18:3-5)—The Review and Herald, March 16, 1897. (Ev 247.3) MC VC
Emphasize Life Through Jesus—The question of the nonimmortality of the soul also needs to be treated with great care, lest in introducing the subject there be started a deep and exciting controversy which will close the door to further investigation of the truth. (Ev 247.4) MC VC
Great wisdom is required in dealing with human minds, even in giving a reason of the hope that is within us....What is the hope of which we are to give a reason? The hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ.... You dwell too much upon special ideas and doctrines, and the heart of the unbeliever is not softened. To try to impress him is like striking upon cold iron.... (Ev 247.5) MC VC