1T 149
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 149)
I saw that when the message shall increase greatly in power, then the providence of God will open and prepare the way in the East for much more to be accomplished than can be at the present time. God will then send some of His servants in power to visit places where little or nothing can now be done, and some who are now indifferent will be aroused and will take hold of the truth. [The remainder of this article is from a vision given at Round Grove, Illinois, December 9, 1856.] (1T 149.1) MC VC
I saw that God has warned those who have moved from the East to the West. He has shown them their duty, that it must not be their object to get rich, but to do good to souls, to live out their faith, and tell those around them that this world is not their home. (1T 149.2) MC VC
The warning was sufficient, if it had been heeded; but many failed to consider what God had shown. They rushed on and on, and became drunk with the spirit of the world. “Look back,” said the angel, “and weigh all that God has shown in regard to those moving from the East to the West.” Have you obeyed it? I saw that you had gone entirely contrary to God’s teachings, purchased largely, and instead of your works saying to those around you that you are seeking a better country, they have plainly declared that your home and treasure were here. Your works have denied your faith. (1T 149.3) MC VC
Nor is this all. The love that should exist between brethren has been lacking. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”(Genesis 4:9) has been manifest; a selfish, covetous spirit has been in the hearts of the brethren. Instead of looking out for the interests of the brethren and caring for them, there has been manifested in deal a close, selfish spirit that God despises. Those who make so high a profession, and who number themselves among the peculiar people of God, saying by their profession that they are zealous of good works, should be noble and generous, and should ever manifest a disposition to favor their brethren instead of themselves, and should give their brethren the best chance. Generosity begets generosity. Selfishness begets selfishness. (1T 149.4) MC VC