7T 224
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 7 224)
“We do not,” it was said, “question the need of missions in foreign lands. But we do question the right of those who claim to have present truth to pass by millions of human beings in their own country, many of whom are as ignorant as the heathen. Why is it that so little is done for the colored people of the South, many of whom are ignorant and destitute, and need to be taught that Christ is their Creator and Redeemer? How can they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? How can they hear without a preacher? And how can one preach except he be sent?” (7T 224.1) MC VC
“We lay this matter before those who profess to believe the truth for this time. What are you doing for the unenlightened colored race? Why have you not a deeper sense of the necessities of the Southern field? Does there not rest upon ministers of the gospel the responsibility of setting in operation plans whereby this people can be educated? Does not the commission of the Saviour teach this? Is it right for professing Christians to hold themselves aloof from this work, allowing a few to carry the burden? In all your plans for medical missionary work and foreign missionary work, has God given you no message for us?” (7T 224.2) MC VC
Then He who has authority arose, and called upon all to give heed to the instruction that the Lord has given in regard to the work in the South. He said: “Much more evangelistic work should be done in the South. There should be a hundred workers where now there is but one.” (7T 224.3) MC VC
“Let the people of God awake. Think you that the Lord will bless those who have felt no burden for this work, and who permit the way of its advancement to be hedged up?” (7T 224.4) MC VC