1T 147
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 147)
The people in the East have heard the proclamation of the second coming of Christ, and have seen much of the display of the power of God, and have fallen back into a state of indifference and security where it is almost impossible to reach them at present. After uncommon efforts are made in the East, with the best gifts, but very little is accomplished. (1T 147.1) MC VC
I saw that the people in the West could be moved much more easily than those in the East. They have not had the light of the truth, and have not rejected it, and their hearts are more tender and susceptible to the truth and the Spirit of God. The hearts of many in the West are already prepared to eagerly receive the truth; and as the servants of God go out to labor for the salvation of precious souls, they have much to encourage them in their arduous work. As the people are anxious to hear, and many embrace the truth, the gift which God has given His servants is called out and strengthened. They see that their efforts are crowned with success. (1T 147.2) MC VC
I saw that tenfold more has been accomplished in the West than in the East with the same effort, and that the way is opening for still greater success. I have seen that much can be done at present in Wisconsin, and still more in Illinois, and that efforts to spread the truth must be made in Minnesota and Iowa. It will take effect in many hearts there. There was a large, very large, field of labor spread out before me in vision, which has not yet been entered; but there is not self-sacrificing help enough to fill half the places where the people are all ready to hear the truth, and many to receive it. (1T 147.3) MC VC
New fields of labor, entirely new, must be visited; many will have to go a warfare at their own charges, enter such fields with the expectation of bearing their own expenses. Here, I saw, is a good opportunity for the stewards of the Lord to act their part and support those who carry the truth to these places. It should be a great privilege for these stewards to render to God that which belongs to Him. By so doing they will discharge a Scriptural duty and free themselves of a portion of their earthly treasure, which is now a burden to many who have an abundance. It will also add to their treasure in heaven. (1T 147.4) MC VC