Ev 298
(Evangelism 298)
Aggressiveness Necessary—Caution is needed; but while some of the workers are guarded and make haste slowly, if there are not united with them in the work those who see the necessity of being aggressive, very much will be lost; opportunities will pass, and the opening providence of God will not be discerned. (Ev 298.1) MC VC
When persons who are under conviction are not brought to make a decision at the earliest period possible, there is danger that the conviction will gradually wear away.... (Ev 298.2) MC VC
Frequently, when a congregation is at the very point when the heart is prepared for the Sabbath question, it is delayed through fear of the consequences. This has been done, and the result has not been good. God has made us depositaries of sacred truth; we have a message, a saving message, which we are commanded to give to the world, and which is pregnant with eternal results. To us as a people has been committed light that must illuminate the world.—Letter 31, 1892. (Ev 298.3) MC VC
Spirit’s Power for Victory—Talk to souls in peril, and get them to behold Jesus upon the cross, dying to make it possible for Him to pardon. Talk to the sinner with your own heart overflowing with the tender, pitying love of Christ. Let there be deep earnestness, but not a harsh, loud note should be heard in the voice of one who is trying to win the soul to look and live. First have your own soul consecrated to God. As you look upon our Intercessor in heaven, let your heart be broken. Then, softened and subdued, you can address repenting sinners as one who realizes the power of redeeming love. Pray with these souls, by faith laying them at the foot of the cross; carry their minds up with your mind, and fix the eye of faith where you look, upon Jesus, the Sin Bearer. Get them to look away from their poor sinful selves to the Saviour, and the victory is won.... (Ev 298.4) MC VC