TDG 207.3
(This Day With God 207.3)
If we believe that Christ alone can save souls by His matchless grace, how earnest would everyone be to hold up Christ, to be much in prayer as Christ was, and by living faith ask much in His name that he may receive, and be willing to spend and be spent to win souls to Christ. Let all who profess to be Christians open the door of their hearts to His Spirit and to His grace; then the peace of Christ will so rule in their hearts and be revealed in their characters that there will be no discord, no strife, no emulation, no biting and devouring one another, no seeking for the supremacy. The great and earnest effort will be to live the life of Christ. We are to represent His spirit of mercy and give no occasion for anyone to follow our example in doing evil. (TDG 207.3) MC VC