7BC 921
(S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7 921)
At his second arrest, Paul was seized and hurried away so suddenly that he had no opportunity to gather up his few “books” and “parchments,” or even to take with him his cloak. And now winter was coming on, and he knew that he would suffer with cold in his damp prison cell. He had no money to buy another garment, he knew that his end might come at any moment, and with his usual self-forgetfulness and fear to burden the church, he desired that no expense should be incurred on his account (Sketches from the Life of Paul, 327). (7BC 921.1) MC VC
16, 17. Paul and Nero Face to Face—Paul and Nero face to face!—the countenance of the monarch bearing the shameful record of the passions that raged within; the countenance of the prisoner telling the story of a heart at peace with God and man. The result of opposite systems of education stood that day contrasted—a life of unbounded self-indulgence and a life of entire self-sacrifice. Here were the representatives of two theories of life—all-absorbing selfishness, which counts nothing too valuable to be sacrificed for momentary gratification, and self-denying endurance, ready to give up life itself, if need be, for the good of others (The Youth′s Instructor, July 3, 1902). (7BC 921.2) MC VC
Titus (7BC 921) MC VC
Chapter 1 VC
9-11. See EGW comment on Acts 15:1, 5. (7BC 921.3) MC VC
Chapter 2 VC
8. See EGW comment on Colossians 4:6. (7BC 921.4) MC VC
10 (Philippians 2:5). Adorning the Doctrine of Christ—To adorn the doctrine of Christ our Saviour, we must have the same mind which was in Christ. Our likes and dislikes, our desire to favor self to the disadvantage of others must be overcome. Let the peace of God rule in your hearts. Christ must be in us a living, working power (Manuscript 39, 1896). (7BC 921.5) MC VC
11. See EGW comment on Ephesians 4:7; 1 Peter 1:22. (7BC 921.6) MC VC
14. See EGW comment on Luke 17:10; Romans 3:20-31; Galatians 5:6. (7BC 921.7) MC VC
Chapter 3 VC
5. See EGW comment on Luke 17:10; Romans 3:20-31. (7BC 921.8) MC VC
Hebrews (7BC 921) MC VC
Chapter 1 VC
3 (Colossians 1:15; 2:9; Colossians 3:10; see EGW comment on John 1:14; Acts 1:11; 17:28; Ephesians 1:20, 21; Hebrews 2:14-18). The Personality of God—He [Christ] represented God not as an essence that pervaded nature, but as a God who has a personality. Christ was the express image of His Father′s person; and He came to our world to restore in man God′s moral image, in order that man, although fallen, might through obedience to God′s commandments become enstamped with the divine image and character—adorned with the beauty of divine loveliness (Manuscript 24, 1891). (7BC 921.9) MC VC
4-14. The Omnipotence of Jesus—[Hebrews 1:4-12 quoted.] In this language is represented the omnipotence of the Lord Jesus. He is introduced to the Bible student as the Creator of the world, and was its rightful Ruler. [Hebrews 1:13, 14 quoted.] (7BC 921.10) MC VC