6T 465, 478
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 6 465, 478)
Who will now place themselves on the Lord’s side? Who will be as His helping hand, lifting wholeheartedly? Who will encourage the oppressed to trust in the Lord? Who will manifest that faith which will not fail nor falter, but which presses forward to victory? Who will now strive to build up that which Satan is striving to tear down, a work which should be going forward in strong lines? Who will now do for their brethren in Europe that which they would wish to have done for them in similar circumstances? Who will co-operate with the ministering angels? (6T 465.1) MC VC
The Lord calls upon His people to make offerings of self-denial. Let us give up something that we intended to purchase for personal comfort or pleasure. Let us teach our children to deny self and become the Lord’s helping hands in dispensing His blessings. (6T 465.2) MC VC
I plead with my Scandinavian brethren to do what they can. We will unite our efforts with your work of love and helpfulness. There is sufficient means in the hands of the Lord’s stewards to do this work if they will unite in tender sympathy to restore, to heal, and to bring health and prosperity to God’s instrumentalities. (6T 465.3) MC VC
The sums which you give may be small when compared with the necessities of the work, but be not discouraged. Have faith in God. Hold fast to the hand of Infinite Power, and that which seemed hopeless at first will look different. The feeding of the five thousand is an object lesson for us. He who with five loaves and two small fishes fed five thousand men besides women and children, can do great things for His people today. (6T 465.4) MC VC
Let us have faith in God. In His name let us carry forward His work without flinching. The work He has called us to do He will make a blessing to us. And when His plan for the relief of our schools has been vindicated, when the work pointed out has been fully accomplished, He will indicate to us what to do next. (6T 478.1) MC VC
As long as the message of mercy is to be given to the world, there will be a call for effort in behalf of other institutions and enterprises similar to that for the relief of our schools. And as long as probation continues, there will be opportunity for the canvasser to work. When the religious denominations unite with the papacy to oppress God’s people, places where there is religious freedom will be opened by evangelistic canvassing. If in one place the persecution becomes severe, let the workers do as Christ has directed. “When they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another.” If persecution comes there, go to still another place. God will lead His people, making them a blessing in many places. Were it not for persecution they would not be so widely scattered abroad to proclaim the truth. And Christ declares: “Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.” Matthew 10:23. Until in heaven is spoken the word, “It is finished,” there will always be places for labor, and hearts to receive the message. (6T 478.2) MC VC
Wherefore “let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9. (6T 478.3) MC VC