CS 262
(Counsels on Stewardship 262)
I have a message from the Lord. The churches must awaken from their torpor, and think of these things. “The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine, saith the Lord of hosts.” Haggai 2:8. Are we as families appropriating the Lord’s silver and gold to selfish purposes, and doing nothing to lighten the debt on His house? The churches are burdened with debt, not because it is impossible for them to be freed, but because of selfish indulgence on the part of the members. By this neglect God is dishonored, and if He binds about your resources, be not blind as to the cause. When you place the Lord first, and realize that the Lord’s house is dishonored by debt, God will bless you.—Manuscript 116, 1897. (CS 262.1) MC VC
Need for Counsel and Cooperation VC
Dear Brother (CS 262) MC VC
You will need in every move you make to know that you are moving in that way that you will not follow your own judgment, but the united advice of your brethren. You have failed in this work, working too much independently.... You can borrow money. But have you taken your brethren right along with you in your building plans? Have you yoked up with them, and they with you? ... One man’s mind and judgment is not to be allowed to become an efficiency in any case where the building of a church is concerned. It takes every member of the church who can carry responsibilities, and the minister is not the man to lift this work alone.... This is a lesson you must learn, to seek the mind and judgment of your brethren, and not advance without their advice, counsel, and cooperation.—Letter 49, 1900. (CS 262.2) MC VC