WM 235
(Welfare Ministry 235)
Perhaps God Has Withheld This Blessing—A well-ordered, well-disciplined family will have a powerful influence for good. But if you have no children of your own, it may be that the Lord has a wise purpose in withholding from you this blessing. It should not be taken as evidence that it is your duty to adopt a child. In some cases this might be advisable. If the Lord bids you take an infant to bring up, then the duty is too plain to be misunderstood. But as a rule it would not be wise for a minister’s wife to encumber herself with such a responsibility.... (WM 235.1) MC VC
If the companion of a minister is united with her husband in the work of saving souls, it is the highest work she can do. But the care of a little child would absorb her attention, so that she could not attend meetings and labor successfully in visiting and personal effort. Even if she accompanies her husband, the child is too often the burden of thought and conversation, and the visit is made of no effect. Those whom God has called to be colaborers with Him are to have no idols to absorb thought and affection that He would have directed in other lines.—Manuscript 35, 1896. (WM 235.2) MC VC
Ever Keep a Proper Perspective of Responsibility—Great consideration must be exercised in the work that we undertake. We are not to assume large burdens in the care of infant children. This work is being done by others. We have a special work in caring for and educating the children more advanced in years. Let families who can do so adopt the little ones, and they will receive a blessing in so doing.—Testimonies for the Church 6:246, 247. (WM 235.3) MC VC