SR 293, 297
(The Story of Redemption 293, 297)
While the execution of Peter was being delayed, upon various pretexts, until after the Passover, the church of Christ had time for deep searching of heart and earnest prayer. Strong petitions, tears, and fasting were mingled together. They prayed without ceasing for Peter; they felt that he could not be spared from the Christian work; and they felt that they had arrived at a point where, without the special help of God, the church of Christ would become extinct. (SR 293.1) MC VC
The day of Peter’s execution was at last appointed; but still the prayers of the believers ascended to Heaven. And while all their energies and sympathies were called out in fervent appeals, angels of God were guarding the imprisoned apostle. Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. Peter was placed between two soldiers, and was bound by two chains, each chain being fastened to the wrist of one of his guards. He was therefore unable to move without their knowledge. The prison doors were securely fastened, and a strong guard was placed before them. All chance of rescue or escape, by human means, was thus cut off. (SR 293.2) MC VC
The apostle was not intimidated by his situation. Since his reinstatement after his denial of Christ, he had unflinchingly braved danger and manifested a noble courage and boldness in preaching a crucified, risen, and ascended Saviour. He believed the time had now come when he was to yield up his life for Christ’s sake. (SR 293.3) MC VC
Joy and praise filled the hearts of the fasting, praying believers, that God had heard and answered their prayers, and delivered Peter from the hand of Herod. In the morning the people gathered together to witness the execution of the apostle. Herod sent officers to bring Peter from prison with great display of arms and guard, in order to ensure against his escape, to intimidate all sympathizers, and to exhibit his own power. There was the guard at the door of the prison, the bolts and bars of the door still fast and strong, the guard inside, the chains attached to the wrists of the two soldiers; but the prisoner was gone. (SR 297.1) MC VC