CD 487
(Counsels on Diet and Foods 487)
Encountering Difficulties and Resultant Compromises VC
10. Over thirty years ago I was often in great weakness. Many prayers were offered in my behalf. It was thought that flesh meat would give me vitality, and this was, therefore, my principal article of diet. But instead of gaining strength, I grew weaker and weaker. I often fainted from exhaustion. Light came to me, showing me the injury men and women were doing to the mental, moral, and physical faculties by the use of flesh meat. I was shown that the whole human structure is affected by this diet, that by it man strengthens the animal propensities and the appetite for liquor. (CD 487.1) MC VC
I at once cut meat out of my bill of fare. After that I was at times placed where I was compelled to eat a little meat.—Letter 83, 1901 (CD 487.2) MC VC
[At Times Compelled to Eat a Little Meat When Other Food Was Not Available—699] (CD 487.3) MC VC
[Note.—From the time of her girlhood, Mrs. White was burdened with writing and public ministry, and was therefore obliged to place the responsibilities of the domestic work in her home largely upon housekeepers and cooks. She was not always able to secure the services of those trained in hygienic cookery. So there were times in her own home when various compromises had to be made between the ideal standards, and the knowledge, experience, and standards of a new cook. Then, too, much of the time while traveling, she was dependent for her food upon those whom she was visiting. Although able to subsist upon a spare diet, it sometimes seemed necessary to eat some meat, which she knew was not the best food and which was not of her own choosing.—Compilers.] (CD 487.4) MC VC
Lament for Want of a Cook—1892 VC
11. I am suffering more now for want of some one who is experienced in the cooking line,—to prepare things I can eat.... Food is prepared in such a way that it is not appetizing, but is having the tendency to dry up the desire for food. I would pay a higher price for a cook than for any other part of my work.—Letter 19c, 1892 (CD 487.5) MC VC