FLB 235.2
(The Faith I Live By 235.2)
What quality is this love? ... A love for the soul that would part with selfish gratifications and practice stern self-denial in order to elevate, ennoble, and sanctify those with whom we associate. “And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.” John 17:19. Do you love those with whom you associate well enough to forgo your desire for amusement and self-pleasing that you will not place these souls in the path of temptation, that you will not beckon them to pursue a course of fun and frolic which leads to the extinguishment of serious thoughts in regard to the salvation of their souls? Do you cultivate personal piety, ... that your youthful friends may follow where you lead the way, upward and forward to obedience to God? ... What is the quality of your love? Is it of a character to make your associates more Christlike? Will it have a tendency to bring solid timbers into their character building? (FLB 235.2) MC VC